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Preparing for Breast Augmentation Surgery | Houston Plastic SurgeryNearly 4.5 million breast augmentation cosmetic surgery procedures have been performed between 1997 and 2012, as per the figures released by the ASPS. Breast augmentation currently ranks as the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the US. A key component of the procedure is the pre-op preparation, which will invariably have an impact on the final results.

Prior to the surgery, the patient will receive detailed instructions from the surgeon to help her prepare for breast implant surgery. Patients in Houston, Texas, and other areas around this fantastic American city have an opportunity to receive breast augmentation from board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak.


Assessment of Cosmetic Goals

To begin with, the candidate for breast implants should assess her reasons to seek this surgery, and have clear cosmetic goals. This will allow her to have a more productive initial consultation with the breast surgeon where she can explain precisely what about her breast appearance may be bothering her, and help them create a customized breast augmentation plastic surgery plan.

Breast augmentation surgery is a personal journey for a woman, and she should seek it if she has clear aesthetic needs and a personal desire to enhance the breast appearance. She should not choose it merely because someone else convinced her to have it.


Knowledge Gathering

When a woman is considering breast augmentation surgery, she should take a few steps to learn about the procedure and the surgeon with whom she wants to have a consultation. She should review the surgeon’s website to familiarize herself with the practice.

She may visit reputed Internet forums to get in touch with other patients who are willing to share their insights and experiences with breast augmentation. Having some community support and guidance will improve her confidence and help her determine whether the procedure is best suited for her. Well-prepared candidates will typically have a more useful consultation with the surgeon and make better decisions.


Meeting Candidacy Requisites

Once the patient has decided to undergo breast augmentation, she should make a systematic effort to improve her diet and follow a steady daily exercise regimen. She should maintain a stable body weight as far as possible, and not plan for a weight loss procedure or a pregnancy once she has chosen to undergo breast augmentation.

She should form realistic expectations by reviewing as many breast augmentation ‘before and after’ photos as possible. She can access these photos from the surgeon’s website or get them from their office. She should also ideally prepare a list of questions she may want to ask the surgeon during the pre-op consultation.


Prior to the Surgery

Preparatory steps before the surgery may include:

Experienced female cosmetic surgeon Dr. Hustak receives patients from Houston, Texas, and nearby areas.

For more information on 
procedures and treatments provided by board certified female plastic surgeon Dr. Kristi Hustak please call us to schedule a consultation at 713.322.7265 or click here. Offices in Houston, Texas.